> sfo_feb_flights <- nycflights %>%
+ filter(dest == 'SFO', month == 2)
> dim(sfo_feb_flights)
[1] 68 16
> ggplot(data = sfo_feb_flights, aes(x = arr_delay))+
+ geom_histogram(bins = 50)
> nycflights %>%
+ group_by(month) %>%
+ summarise(mean_dd = mean(dep_delay)) %>%
+ arrange(desc(mean_dd))
# A tibble: 12 x 2
month mean_dd
1 7 20.8
2 6 20.4
3 12 17.4
4 4 14.6
5 3 13.5
6 5 13.3
7 8 12.6
8 2 10.7
9 1 10.2
10 9 6.87
11 11 6.10
12 10 5.88
> nycflights %>%
+ group_by(month)%>%
+ summarise(median = median(dep_delay))%>%
+ arrange(desc(median))
# A tibble: 12 x 2
month median
1 12 1
2 6 0
3 7 0
4 3 -1
5 5 -1
6 8 -1
7 1 -2
8 2 -2
9 4 -2
10 11 -2
11 9 -3
12 10 -3
nycflights <- nycflights %>%
mutate(avg_spd = 60 * distance / air_time)
nycflights %>%
select(tailnum, avg_spd) %>%
tailnum avg_spd
1 N666DN 703.3846
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